Saturday, December 19, 2015

Milk Thistle


I was recently reading about supplements that could help with breastfeeding and read some mixed reviews on milk thistle. But what stuck out to me the most were all the other benefits of milk thistle I wasn't aware of. So I figured I should try it because it could be very beneficial to my health, and my doctor said it shouldn't be an issue for me to take.  I enjoy that these are capsules because they do not leave a bad taste or aftertaste.  I do take the product as directed and would encourage that for any products that are purchased.  This is great for people with gallbladder, liver, or pancrease issues because it helps support those organs and prevent issues such as fatty liver and helps support bile production and removal. This isn't a fast acting supplement its well over a week before you notice any benefits such as better digestion or milk production but when you do start to notice or even if you miss a day you will notice. So overall I think this is a great product. Supplement provided for evaluation.

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