#mamawayThis is up there in the same league as my Tula, and all you baby wearing people know how big of a deal that is. I really like this sling and it's hard th price of a Tula which my significant loves, and I didn't have to have my clicker finger ready at a stocking. Like a lot of carriers there is a learning curve so I would say go ahead and pull up youtube upon receiving you sling and make an afternoon of it because it can take a few tries to get it correct. Just make sure your infant is in the correct M position so you do not risk hip dysplasia. Like other ring slings, storage is easy, its durable, I never recommend the washer and dryer for washing these hand wash is usually best and means a longer lifetime. The quality of this product is great, I did receive it for my honest and unbiased opinions and evaluation but like I said I like it as much as my Tula.

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