#regenerixMy joints are miserable, they hate me more than anything else will ever be able to its safe to say. Since I don't see our relationship improving anytime soon I figured I would give 100 naturals product a chance. T has your typical joint health ingredients, nothing new and claiming to be a cure all. What this product does have is the three best products mixed into one capsule to help your joints and reduce need for medications. In a day or two I noticed my joints were as stiff and painful. Going up and down stairs wasn't as bad as it used to be, the beginning of my runs didn't feel like I would fall apart, and in general my joints felt more lubricated. The capsules are huge but if it means I don't have to take pain medication as frequently I don't care how large they are considering they do not upset my stomach I do not see an issue. I did receive this product for evaluation purposes and overall I was satisfied with my findings.

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