Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wine Saver Kit

I drink tons of wine, I claim it's for the health benefits but really I just love wine. But I don't like drinking the same wine two days in a row, so I'm left with a few open bottles and sometimes it's hard to keep them from going bad. Sometimes a cork or a wine stopper just won't cut it, the wine goes sour before I can finish the bottle or even leaks. The wine saver kit allows me to pump the air out of the bottle so it doesn't go bad and keeps until i finish the bottle. I know it says not to the lay the bottle down in the cooler once you have pumped the air out, but I did not have any issues with leaks when I did. The pump doesn't weigh much and it doesn't take much effort to use. So over all this is a great investment if you are tired of dumping your wine down the drain. Product provided for evaluation.


1) Insert the stopper onto the neck of the bottle. For best results, clean stopper before use.
2) Place the pump on top of the stopper and start pumping to create vacuum. Remove the pump after pumping 8 - 10 times depending on the wine level inside the bottle and store the bottle upright.
3) A vacuum sealed stopper can keep the wine fresh for about 14 days.
4) To re-open the bottle, press the push button slightly to release the vacuum. Remove the stopper and pour fresh wine.

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