Friday, December 18, 2015

Bamboo Nonslip Cutting Board

I try to replace my cutting boards when they begin to wear, just because of how hard it is to keep them sanitary when they get cut up.  Plastic ones while slightly better do have the same issues with the added bonus of possible plastic in my food.  Bamboo is my personal preference just because of how hard the wood is.  It makes great flooring so why wouldn't it be the best cutting boards? Well it makes for amazing boards that will last a long time.  The surface is great to cut one because its smooth but still offers the added bonus of a longer life span than most other boards or blocks.  Sure if you are standing there sawing at the boards instead of just using them for cutting you will see some damage but when used for the purpose you will not see any deteriorating anytime soon.  The nonslip tabs, juice grooves, and handle really do set this board apart from others I have tried recently. The handle allows me to easily move the board, the tabs keep it on my counter securely, and and groves provide a nice places for any juice to accumulate that isn't my counter top. Product provided for evaluation.#lakehouse

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