Tuesday, November 3, 2015

#BabyNook: Baby Tested, Baby Approved

My son loves this thing, he hates his crib, won't sleep in the pak n play, to big for the bassinet and he hated that anyway so it's not like it matters. But he LOVES this tent. It's great for indoor and outdoor play or nap time. The windows unzip to a mesh so theres no worry about over heating or bugs. the zipper is on both sides so if I child can use a zipper they can get themselves out of the tent if they are closed up inside of it. My cat loves it too, so they play in there together and it all works out for me. The Baby Nook comes a cute little bag that folds down very small so there is no worry about storage you can throw it under the couch if you want. The picture guide is great for folding and unfolding. I will say it really does just pop itself up, but the instructions on folding it back up were very helpful considering I had no idea what to do. The matt that comes with the tent is easy to fold, clean, inflate, and deflate. The matt also self inflates so you don't have to worry about lung capacity when setting the Nook up.

Purchase Here

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