Thursday, November 12, 2015

Treat Your Skin


Most people think of serums and ointments when it comes to skin health. Until recently I wasn't aware their was a sector of the vitamin industry for skin care, well imagine my surprise when I found these. I figured I might as well give it a shot Youthful Skin, had a lot of the vitamins and minerals that are already found in most vitamins and in the higher end skin serums. So it's not a whole new product but simply fine tuning products that are already on the market and making them work from the inside out instead of the outside in. My skin is already fairly oily in places so I was hoping this would maybe help that but at the same time thinking well it can either be very good or very bad for the oily spots. My skin was indifferent the oily spots stayed, the dry spots went away. So this would be great for dry skin in the winter months. The capsules are fairly small, easy to take, I do say take with a full glass of water, won't upset your stomach, they don't taste bad but they don't taste good either. I can easily see some of the benefits being long term such as helping with dry skin other than that I would say I'd tell people to give it a try especially if your skin is dry and cracking.

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