Tuesday, February 2, 2016

College Nomad


This book is packed with a ton of great ideas that would be easy to actually do not to mention the pages of ideas to make trips not only more fun but less expensive even including websites to take a look at. The chapters discuss four reasons why people travel; how to travel, such as in a study abroad program; accommodations; eating cheap and healthy while saving time; transportation by using money-saving websites; using money and credit cards and coupons; phones, including how to get one that can be used in many countries; using the cloud; health insurance; how to keep in shape and why do so; the Global Travel Community; and hotspots. The author also discusses the benefits one can get out of traveling and having a world view as opposed to always staying in your own backyard. This is a great book for anyone who wants to travel but has to do it on a budget it's not just for college kids I see no reason anyone couldn't use this book. Product provided for evaluation.

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