My son hates his carseat, probably because I'll keep him rear facing until he's in college if I have any say in the matter. Anyway, he gets mad because like most babies if he can't see me, I have obviously left and I am never coming back. Have to love baby logic, right? But when he's not screaming like most mothers I assume the worst. Talk about a lose lose situation. So this mirror has helped both of us, and I can say car rides are more enjoyable... most of the time. The mirror was in simple packing and was really simple to install, it took maybe thirty seconds, probably would have been quicker had I not had a baby in one arm. The shatterproof glass is a plus considering his favorite hobby is throwing, well, anything. The product is amazing, I love this product its great, I can keep an eye on my son and he can keep an eye on me. Yay for no more baby screams.
I received this product in return for my honest and unbiased review.
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